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bison brisket

Curated Bison Subscription

Basically our version of a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture), it’s a Meat CSA!


Meat box subscribers get first pick of steaks, hotdogs, prepared items, and more! Each month you will get a curated bag of bison meats that are our BEST SELLERS. You will always get two steaks and then a choice of two other items (as available): ground, meatballs, burger patties, chili, Mac-n-cheese, slow cooking meats, hotdogs, bratwurst, or snack sticks.


An email will go out on the 1st of every month for you to make your selections, or you can opt to just let us do the selecting. You will be charged on the same day you started of each month.


ONLY $90 a month

Pick UP >>>

Your first bag will include one of our Farm Cooler bags and a FREE Cookbook!

During the regular farmers market season you can pick up your curated subscription at one of our Farmers Markets or at The Farm. We will deliver subscriptions during the Winter months (Dec-March).


Regular Markets are: 

East Beach Farmers Market Norfolk, VA - Saturdays

Afterglow Farmers Market Norfolk, VA - Wednesdays

Oozelfinch Harvest Market Hampton, VA - Sundays 

Riffle Farms is a Limited Liability Company 

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